Your L.I.F.E. deserves Love, Inspiration, Fortitude, and an Emergency

Friday, September 10, 2010

5 Reasons Why Doing What You Love Can Optimize Your Life

Everybody wants to have an optimized life. In fact, there are hundreds of books, seminars, and trainings devoted to this topic. Nevertheless, there is actually one simple thing you can do to optimize your life: do what you love. Sounds simple, right? Yet doing what you love can really maximize many aspects of your life. A lot of good things will naturally happen in your career, family, and relationship.

How can that be? Here are five reasons why doing what you love can optimize your life:

1. You will enjoy your time

Since you are doing what you love, you won’t feel burdened doing it. You will have fun and happy time. You will be happier than before. This thing alone is a great reward of doing what you love. Who doesn’t want to have a joyful day?

2. You will yield higher-quantity of works

Since you enjoy your time doing your works, naturally you will devote more time and energy into it. There is no such thing as “lazy” or “not in a good mood of doing it”. As such, you will accomplish more and become more productive.

3. You will deliver higher-quality works

Not just the quantity is higher, the quality will also be higher. Again, because you really like it, you will pour more of your time and energy into it. That allows you to think more about your works, thinking about how to make them better and better. As a result, the quality of your works will be improved.

4. Your works will have touches of passion

This the the key difference between good works and great works. Works which are done with passion are very different to those which aren’t. People who consume them can tell the difference. Works which are done with passion not only have higher-quality, but also have emotional value attached in them. It will flow out of the works and touch the heart of the people using them.

5. You will have a fulfilling life

This is probably the most important reason of all. Since you follow your heart, you will have a fulfilling life. You follow what your heart tell you, and you follow your purpose. That’s how you have a fulfilling life. In my opinion, having a fulfilling life is more – even much more – important than just being wealthy. Following your heart and following your purpose. That’s what life is all about.

I pray that this article empowers you to "Get A L.I.F.E."

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